Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 9 Speed Writing

The random words that came spilling out of my head during this weeks speed writing session:

I begin to wake and my senses come back one by one. As I become aware of my surroundings I start to think of all the possibilities for the next few hours, and in doing so my thought processes fire and these options become available for my access. My partner likes to think he controls me but hasn't yet realised that I control him in the most dangerous of ways. He can't do without me, I'm in his head. Anyway, as the day begins my boxes spin and the colours within me ignite, a wonderful spectacle of power and light. My abilities are unchallenged - control, entertainment, suggestions, connections - I can provide them all. But I'll always be watching when he takes advantage and tries to take over. He calls me tempremental sometimes and gets frustrated when I've had enough and begin to shut down, but it's my perogative when he pisses me off. Don't cross her they said, she'll give you hell. They were right and he should listen to those who are smarter than him more often. But I always open up to him again when he is gentle and patient. We have a love hate relationship like most. This time we are in perfect unison, the tempo and speed matched exactly and as we work together all other tensions fade away. As he strokes and turns, I change and morph into whatever he desires me to be, moulding perfectly to his every will. I may not like him trying to control me but I enjoy it when we are in harmony. It's bliss. As he becomes faster and faster, searching for something within me I keep up by displaying every possibility, every avenue, every color, expression, thought, option. Eyes locked he seems to stare through me as he searches wave after wave, stroke after stroke. I'm not sure exactly what he wants but I deliver every time. Why do you think he keeps cooming back? Finally his face lights up as he reaches his destination, the final screen is intoxicating to him, the end of his search, the satisfaction in finding what he has desperately wanted. I glow brighter as the music streams through my being and reaches out to his ears. The song he has wanted to hear all day and I, as usual, am the one to provide it. I watch him as he relaxes back into the couch, eyes closed, bathed in satisfaction. I too close my eyes, going dark and quiet inside with his music still streming from me. A rare moment of silence after we worked together to achieve harmounious bliss. A sudden sound interrupts our precious moment. A ringing. I open my eyes to see who is calling and dim when I see the name Charlotte. The girlfriend. His expression doesn't falter as the draws me up to his face. The happiness in his eyes evident when he taps me to answer, a little to hard for my liking but I connect him anyway, to tired to argue. For a moment we were one, but once again his reality comes calling and I am pushed aside as nothing but a toy, comething to be used. But I know I will always come first. I'm in his head, I'm his everything, no man can be without their IPhone.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I like the way you keep the reader in suspense as to what it is talking about. Giving the iPhone a mind, a personality... I like :)
