Monday, September 14, 2009

speed writing draft 2

edit of initial speed writing session: week 7

Beethoven Op.110 for piano~

A sun shower graces a grassy hillside. As the drops fall onto the ground, the grass, and the flowers a calm mist fills the air. One little drop among the thousands falling on the hill, tumbles down the petal of a flower at the peak of the hill, slipping along the yellow slide. It reaches the center of the flower and rolls onto the fluffy pollen, wiggling and wobbling as the flower bends in the breeze. As the rain fades and quietens to a stop, the single drop rolls off the flowers middle and tumbles down the stalk, coming to a leaf half way down. It rolls and wobbles up an down the soft green leaf, before reaching the end and gazing off the precipice. As it leans over the edge it begins to slip down bit by bit and falls slenderly onto the dampened ground. The hill is steep so our little rain drop slowly begins to roll down and down, curving through the stalks of flowers and blades of grass threatening to splice it into two. Down and down it rolls through the green, over the moistened earth and around the mounds of dirt and plants. A glimpse of sun reflects off what lays ahead. As the little rain drop rolls through the thinning hillside it sees the clear pool of water made by its cousins. The lake grows larger and larger as the millions of little rain drops tumble in. Our little rain drop is picking up speed rolling and rolling down the hillside. As it reaches the bank it launches off a shallow mound of earth, sailing through the air and enjoying the rays of sun dancing on the surface of the pool, before plunging into the lake to join the rest of the rain.

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