Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 7 Thinking about the Final Assignment

"How can your final project can be delivered or marketed in an online environment?"

There are very few truly original ideas today, particularly when it comes to games, networks, movies or other media-related developments. So how do 'new' ideas within these mediums gain enough interest to become world-wide successes?

An important concept from Seth Godin's blog is "The Big Drop Off" - circles of people that spread our ideas...if they are worthwhile...which will inevitably reach the eyes and ears of marketers, producers and any other people who may be interested in what the idea-maker has to offer. This concept should always be kept in mind as our initial pitch to the 'first circle' must have enough impact for these people to spread it to a second circle and then to a third and so on in a ripple effect. If our initial pitch doesn't pack enough punch, the ripples will surely die away before the idea reaches those who could help us develop it.

But how to go about planning and presenting a pitch that will make people want to listen and develop our idea is another tactic altogether. As I was thinking of proposing an idea for an online networking game my challenge is to come up with something that is new, different from what is already popular and that will capture the interest of networking enthusiasts as well as average internet users. This will require research into what is already out there that could render my idea redundant and what exactly made the current networking/gaming sites so popular and thus successful. By incorporating this into my idea I should be able to ensure that my idea grabs the attention of those interested in supporting new interactive sites. Most importantly, one must make clear why these people should care about what they are proposing - why should anyone be bothered with this idea?! Answer that and you are well on your way to success.

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