Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 8: Clustering Exercise

The following is the excerpt I wrote from our clustering exercise:

I wonder what it's like in the blackness; a void of non-existence until someone wakes you up- 'cybernetic oblivion' and eternal blackness, until someone calls you forward and you become and imitation of life once more, that presents to your controller the ideal or perfect version of themselves. But what if the construction? If they only exist within the digital realm, surely they are unreal: not you at all- simply a construction. An unrealistic digital reality. But what if that 'version' of yourself was a perfect representation- a perfect copy? Would that make them you? Take all the data on yourself- every medical record, dental check, online profile, digital photograph, family history...all compiled...and you have you- the perfect digital copy- yourself formulated from your data. 'The digital age' has new meaning when thought of as a time when every life record is stored in a digital system, accessible through a digital portal, and able to render a complete and perfect digital version of you and me- a digital falseness, no construction, no picking out the best bits, augmenting, changing, selecting, editing...just YOU.

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