Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 6 Article Thoughts: Interactive TV

Week 6: 03/09/2009

"IBM Files Patent for Blogging Remote Control"

This article describes IBM's new idea for a remote control that will allow the user to blog or twitter about what program they are currently watching. In essence a network-capable remote that can automatically post what the user is watching, or allow them to customise the post, add a screenshot or comment about the program. The rationale states that "more than ever, people wish to be able to share their comments with others in real time as they experience life," thus a technology that allows the consumer to directly share their thoughts or even just enable the auto-blogging option to post what they are watching on TV, is a conveniant way for consumers to stay in touch with their friends and followers from their living rooms. While this may sound like just another absurd extension of interactivity and networking via a TV remote, it can also be seen as a consumerist trap for those obsessed with exposing their every move to the twittering or blogging world. Giving a generation of networkers the capability of updating their status or posts via a remote, may inevitably increase their time spent sitting on a couch, watching television and updating their profiles. To me it sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and money, as rather than encouraging our inactive, obese and increasingly unhealthy society to get up and do something with their lives, this remote seems to say, 'its ok, you can sit on your couch for as long as you like and still stay in touch with what is going on in the world.'

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