Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 13 Speed Writing

Talking and writing is no longer a problem for me in front of everyone. I'm one of those lucky people who has no problem getting up and blabbing on about stuff in front of any and everyone. This time around though I actually enjoyed what I was talking about. It's nice to be creative- or rather to be allowed to be creative and be assessed for it at uni. It seems to be becoming rarer and rarer that students are able to voice their own ideas and come up with crazy concepts that are actually accepted and thought on by others. It has restored my faith to a degree in Arts courses, proving that not all the units are about writing essays on theories from old dead guys. I like writing and I like talking, so when these two things come together in a creative space and people actually are interested in what i have to say the feeling is wonderful. And that I can gain marks and credits by using my imagination and utilising what we have learnt the feeling is even better. I like this music. I hope I'll be able to continue being creative and gaining something for it in the future. It would be terrible to go back to the monotony of writing about stuff I don't care about. That music was cool. Likey. Now this sounds like something from Myst. Anyway, back to the career thing, I thought getting an Arts degree would let me be a lot more creative than I've been allowed. Essays, reports, analysis, and the like rot the brain after a short while, and I've often thought how they will help me at all in the acting world. Truth is I don't think they will. This course has been interesting at least. I like using my imagination and having people care about what I come up with. Or even if they don't care at least they listen. People are very good actors even if they don't realise it. We all sit and listen to each other and smile and nod even if we couldn't care less about what the other person is saying. How nice. This music is still cool, kinda creeping me out now. Still likey. Errr...yes acting. Well even though we all are trained and told to be respectful when another person is talking, its nice to have attention and nods that make you feel like what you have come up with is a worthwhile idea. I wish more units would include a creative element that would allow us to use our own ideas rather than always having to talk about someone else's. Anyway, I'll just keep telling myself only two years left, half way through this monotony then I can use what's left of my imagination and free will to be as creative or as boring as I please. This music is trippy. It made me rant...interesting.

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