Thursday, October 29, 2009

Speed Writing Week 14

My final speed writing session for the semester to the music of Klaus Schulze:

Joined more than any others can be, not sisters, not lovers, just friends, closer than anyone. Wifey, besty, whatever label you want to place on us is just fine, joined at the hip, and I wouldn't want it any other way. The only person who will always be guaranteed to text back, the one who I can bank on to have the words to cheer me up, baking our favorite naughty food, hanging out whenever we feel we want to, comfortable enough in each others presence that we don't need to talk every few seconds...we can just enjoy the silence. Favors are no longer favors, as we'd do anything for one another without reservations or complaints. The easiest thing in the world. We should have been sisters, I mean really. The one thing that could improve is the distance, between our houses that is. What an annoyance having to sit in a box for half an hour before we can meet up. (just to butt in I can't believe how disgustingly girly and teenage this sounds) anyhoo, what need more be said? Friendship like this is really the most precious thing - screw 'relationships' or lovers, they always come and go but when you click with that one person and just get along like its the most natural thing in the world, when they are truly your best friend, that's when precious things happen. We're lucky really, to live in a part of the world where people can stay close to those who mean the most, even when we are on other sides of the world we can be just as close as if we're standing next to eachother. Distance doesn't matter. And there's no worry that they might run off with someone else, cause if they do it's the best thing ever and will only provide us with more juicy material for late night conversations! Oh dear, this girly stuff is making me feel ill. Well, yes, friendship, besties, what would we do without them?

~That is all :o)

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