Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"First Draft" to Music

The following is what I typed as we listened to the experimental music track in class...

Aaron the lonely boy from the edge of town is walking along the long path that leads through the old city. There has been l=no other sign of life for a long time since the soldiers came and ransacked the city, as Aaron and his family must scrounge for supplies when they can. Living on the edge of civilisation allowed them to live but now they can’t find any where else to go. He is often sent by his parents to find food in the old city as he can get into and out of places they can’t. he doesn’t like this part of town, and has often heard strange noises and voices on the wind. He thinks there may be ghosts left behind from all of the fighting and if he isn’t careful they may mistake him for one of the people that destroyed the town. This is no place for a 10 year old boy. Aaron tries to make his parents come with him, and wants to leave this place for good but they don’t know where else to go. It could be worse elsewhere. He reaches the city and peers upon the familiar sight of grey, dust and devastation, takes a deep breath in and makes his way down the escarpment into the city. The buildings are mostly crumbling or half destroyed, but still cast shadows along every road. The wind flurries and blows dust all around him as he walks carrying with it the voices of the past.

1 comment:

  1. Loneliness, isolation and desolation surround this 10 year old. If you know a ten year old like this, I imagine he'd be a pretty sullen and moody guy. Your piece suggests that Aaron has been born into a dystopic future. What I want to know - when it comes to Aaron is - "where is the boy?" Where is the boy in this adult-before-his-time. You know if you had 5 pages of Aaron chopping wood, surviving attacks and keeping his family safe, my big question to you would be "What does this boy want?" If your answer was (for example) "To play a game of marbles," I'd watch this feature film for 3 hours just so I get to see him playing the game of marbles (even if he's entirely alone) by the end. Interesting scenario, Tamiah.
